Southern Boobook Owl in Mum’s Backyard
Bird photography can be a time consuming process but rewards can pay of at the least expected times. a few days a go I got a call from my mum to say she had spotted a small owl in her back garden. As an avid owl lover mum has owl ornaments and images all around her...
The Ever Changing Colours of the Perth City Skyline – 2
We spent a lot more time in South Perth recently when my brother visited from the UK so I got the opportunity to view & capture many different colours & sunsets of the Perth City Skyline during November. This second image in my Perth City Skyline series was...
The Ever Changing Colours of the Perth City Skyline – 1
We live in one of the cleanest & most beautiful cities in the world here in Perth and we think it's time to showcase just how amazing the Perth City Skyline is. We are currently in the enviable position of having access to a flat on Millpoint Road in South Perth...
Photos – Chasing Ducks in Yanchep National Park
We heard that there are some baby Swans around Lake Wagardu in Yanchep National Park so we took a trip out there for our daily walk, sadly the Swans were a no-show but we did get to see a lot of other bird life around the Lake. If you look closely at the above image...
Photos – Twenty-Eight Parrot in the Daisies at Whiteman Park
We went for a bush walk in Whiteman Park last week and spotted these two Twenty-Eight Parrots having lunch while being cleverly camouflaged by the yellow Daisies. Whilst only found in Australia these guys are not considered endangered though they do compete for...
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