After the success of our first photo competition, we were really excited to see how our second competition would go, and we weren’t disappointed.
The number of entries was even larger and the quality of the images was very impressive 😃
Each winner receives a Matted Print of their photo
A big thank you to all our entrants and without further ado, here are the judges (that’s Maggie & I) decisions …
First Place
First place goes to Gina Martinovich for her “Mulla Mulla Flowers” in the Pilbarra. A beautifully colourful & sharp image of this very striking flower 😎
Mulla Mulla Flowers by Gina Martinovich
Here are Gina’s comments: “My husband bought me a gold detector, I sold it after the first time out and bought a Nikon camera and lenses. I love to take pictures and teach myself how to adjust the light and take interesting photos.”
Gina wins:
11” x 14” Matted Fine Art Print of her photo printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige Photo Paper using Epson Pigmented Inks
High quality lens cloth & cleaning cloth with her image printed on them using Sawgrass Dye Sublimation Inks
10% Discount Voucher to use in our Gallery
Gina’s “Mulla Mulla Flowers” as a Matted Print
Gina’s 1st Place Cleaning Cloth & Lens Cloth
Second Place
Second place goes to Tony Leh for his “Lake Retreat” in Gidgegannup. What a stunning image of an idyllic location in the Perth Hills.
Lake Retreat – Tony Leh
Tony wins:
8” x 10” Matted Fine Art Print of his photo printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige Photo Paper using Epson Pigmented Inks
High quality lens cloth & cleaning cloth with his image printed on them using Sawgrass Dye Sublimation Inks
10% Discount Voucher to use in our Gallery
Tony’s “Lake Retreat” as a Matted Print
Tony’s 2nd Place Cleaning Cloth & Lens Cloth
Third Place
Third place is awarded to Anthony de Silva for his “Lancelin Sand Dunes”. A dramatic black & white image with some amazing tones & leading lines.
Lancelin Sand Dunes – Anthony de Silva
Anthony wins:
5” x 7” Matted Fine Art Print of his photo printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige Photo Paper using Epson Pigmented Inks
High quality lens cloth & cleaning cloth with his image printed on them using Sawgrass Dye Sublimation Inks
10% Discount Voucher to use in our Gallery
Anthony’s “Lancelin Sand Dunes” as a Matted Print
Anthony’s 3rd Place Cleaning Cloth & Lens Cloth
Sponsors Prize
Finally, our sponsored prize is chosen by “The Northern Guide” and goes to Lelah McCuaig for her “Whiteman Park” image.
Whiteman Park – Lelah McCuaig
Here are Lelah’s comments: My name’s Lelah McCuaig and I’m 19 years old. Photography isn’t just a hobby for me it’s something I do daily. Especially Australia’s landscape and wildlife.
Lelah wins:
108mm x 108mm Framed Ceramic Tile of her photo printed using Sawgrass Dye Sublimation Inks
High quality lens cloth & cleaning cloth with her image printed on them using Sawgrass Dye Sublimation Inks
10% Discount Voucher to use in our Gallery
Lelah’s Framed Tile
Lelah’s Cleaning Cloth & Lens Cloth
Thank you again to all our entrants, we were really impressed with the quality of images and appreciation of our amazing landscapes here in Australia 😃
We plan to run these competitions on a regular basis so keep an eye out for our next competition “Best Photo of a Tree (or Trees)”. Further details will be announcedon our Facebook Page, Instagram and here on our Blog soon 👍
“Dead River Tree”, Murchison River, Kalbarri, Western Australia
Environmental Issues
Always remember when visiting natural environments please be respectful of the flora and fauna, take your litter home and treat the environment with respect.
Leave No Trace :
“🌴 Take Nothing but Pictures 📷 Leave Nothing but Footprints 🐾 Kill Nothing but Time ⌚ Keep Nothing But Memories 🌳”
Also available at the Gallery are Greeting Cards, Magnets, Keyrings, Mugs, Scarves, Tote Bags, Wall Tapestries, Lens Cloths, unique 3D Printed Gadgets & Gizmo’s and much more …
Our first Photo Competition for “Best Australian Wildlife Photo” in October was a great success so we’re announcing our second Competition for December 2019 / January 2020 “Best Australian Natural Landscape Photo”, again run in collaboration with Heather at “The Northern Guide”.
The Australian Landscape is as beautiful as it is diverse, we have everything here from beautiful beaches, daunting deserts & snowy mountains to tropical rain forests & waterlogged wetlands along with everything else in between.
Mountains of Gold – Beachside Rocks, Shorehaven Beach, Perth, Western Australia
Living our busy lives in suburbia it’s easy to forget just how amazing this country is. Hopefully our Photo Competition this month will help bring your attention back to the natural wonders all around us and maybe inspire you to get outdoors and leave city life behind for a while 😎
To enter this months competition all you need is a photo taken in Australia that focuses on the Natural Landscape. Animals, people, buildings and man made objects are allowed but must not be the main subject.
Sunset Peninsula, Bunker Bay, Margaret River, Western Australia
Ideas for subject matter include: landscapes (obviously), sunsets, seascapes, forest scenes, wetlands, lakes, abstract natural scenes (like my “Mountains of Gold” above), photos of your local park, beach scenes, waves, trees, flowers or even a closeup of a leaf …
Vine Leaf, Dave’s Back Garden, Perth, Western Australia
Boranup Forest, Margaret River, Western Australia
Red & Green Kangaroo Paw, Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia
Waves in Motion, Indian Ocean, Perth, Western Australia
So what are you waiting for? Get out there, start snapping and enter your best Australian Landscape Photos to be in the chance to win a professionally printed & matted Fine Art Print of your photo:
First Place: 11” x 14” Matted Fine Art Print of Your Image
Second Place: 8” x 10” Matted Fine Art Print of Your Image
Third Place: 5” x 7” Matted Fine Art Print of Your Image
“The Northern Guide” Additional Sponsored Prize will be a 4″ x 4″ Framed Tile Print awarded to Heather’s choice from entrants who have liked her Facebook Page
Plus all winners will receive a high quality lens cloth & a cleaning cloth to keep your camera smear & dust free with your image printed on them
Plus all winners will receive a 10% Discount Voucher to use in our Gallery at Wanneroo Markets
Winning Print from Our “Best Australian Native Animal” Photo Competition October 2019
Conditions Summary:
Entrants must reside in WA & be able to collect any prizes from our Gallery at Wanneroo Markets in person
Up to 3 images per person that focus on the Australian Natural Landscape. Animals, people, buildings and man made objects are allowed but must not be the main subject
Please feel free to add an accompanying image title & short description associated with your images
Entries should be submitted by email to & received by Fri 31st January 2020
Important: Please read the full guidelines & conditions below:
We love promoting photography as a hobby (or profession) for young and old alike. Photography encourages artistic creativity, it gets people outdoors and encourages an active & healthy lifestyle. Photography also provides the opportunity for people to learn new skills using computer tools like Photoshop, Lightroom or many of the free alternatives available.
When visiting natural environments please be respectful of the flora and fauna, take your litter home and treat the environment with respect.
Two Rocks, Perth, Western Australia
Terms & Conditions:
Promoted by MADCAT Digital Design ABN: 19 094 456 845
Each entrant may submit up to 3 images, there is no cost to enter
Entries should be submitted by email to & received by Fri 31st January 2020
Entries should be in JPEG format at the highest quality possible and not reduced in size (preferably at least 3MB in size)
All entries will be acknowledged by email
Information required for each entry includes:
Email Subject should read “MADCAT Photography Competition December 2019 / January 2020”
Your full name
Your email address for notification to winners
Your age
Your suburb in WA
The location the photo was captured at
Optional: Image Title & Short Description
Optional: Tell us what this location means to you (we love a good story 👍)
Entries must depict the Australian Landscape in a positive manner, be taken lawfully and with conservation in mind
Animals, people, buildings and man made objects are allowed but must not be the main subject
Images will be judged on technical quality, artistic quality & emotional response of the judges, Dave Catley & Maggie Catley
The judge’s decisions will be final
Images may be processed as the entrant sees fit but the judges reserve the right to judge images based on their subjective opinions. In other words if you go crazy you’d better do a good job of it 😊
You must be the legal owner to the copyright of any images submitted
All images submitted must be based solely on photographic images taken by the entrant
Entrants retain the full ownership of images submitted
Winners will be informed by email, announced in the next issue of The Northern Guide as well as on our Website & Facebook page
MADCAT Photography reserves the right to use submitted images in relation to promoting this or future competitions, recognition will be given to the entrant if possible
Any personal information received will not be passed on to third parties for any purpose, however entrants will be added to our email database unless explicitly requesting to be excluded
MADCAT Photography accepts no responsibility for entries not received, it is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure their entry has been received
Legal Stuff: MADCAT Photography has no liability, in negligence or howsoever, for any accident, loss, illness, injury, damage, or inconvenience suffered by you or any individual or property arising out of or after entering the competition or collecting and using the prize. In other words “Whatever you do it’s not our fault!”
Ocean Tranquility, Yanchep, Perth, Western Australia
Environmental Issues
Always remember when visiting natural environments such as these please be respectful of the flora and fauna, take your litter home and treat the environment with respect.
Leave No Trace :
Take Nothing but Pictures
Leave Nothing but Footprints
Kill Nothing but Time
Keep Nothing But Memories
Burn Nothing but Calories
Post Processing
These images were processed using a combination of Adobe Lightroom Classic CC, Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 & ON1 Photo RAW 2019.
Also available at the Gallery are Greeting Cards, Magnets, Keyrings, Mugs, Scarves, Tote Bags, Wall Tapestries, Lens Cloths, unique 3D Printed Gadgets & Gizmo’s and much more …
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